Established in the year 2017. Light Magic Productions is a multifaceted production house creating and edifying experiences in the world of media. From pre-production planning all the way through to release, we will translate your thoughts and visions into a concrete expression that can be shared with the world. So far, we have produced feature films, short films, Ad films, music videos, Catalog shoot, Model Portfolio's, moments documentaries, human interest documentaries, industrial documentaries and corporate documentaries.
We work across many video genres. we are simply an assembly of people who are as passionate about making films as we are dedicated to professionalism. Every undertaking, whether it is a commercial, a fiction film, a documentary or content for television/web, is approached with passion, skill and integrity. This is why Light magic Productions has ongoing fruitful relationship with clients. , we will create the feel that conveys your message.
Your first step is to send us a message about your project. We can give you a quote and also point you in the direction of your next steps. We do book up, so contact us soon so we can start the pre-production stages and help you get on the timeline you need.
Tell us a little bit about your project. We will get back to you as soon as you can with some ideas of how we can make your story shine.
By appointment only.
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